Drinks menu and prices

Drinks Menu
You can design the drinks menu for your party!
Some of our usual drinks are:
Gin hass
Espresso Martini
Wiskey sour
Dark and stormy
Piña colada
But it is your choice, ask for any cocktail!
Our barmen can prepare anything that you need, the sky is the limit!
Always know what you’ll pay.
Basic pack.
Per Guest / 1 hour free bar*
4 Different cocktails
2 Mocktails
Ice cubes
Bar & bar equipment
Professional bartender
Complete pack.
Per Guest / 1 hour free bar*
6 Different cocktails
2 Mocktails
Ice cubes
Bar & bar equipment
Professional bartender
ULTRA pack.
Per Guest / 1 hour free bar*
8 Different cocktails
2 Mocktails
Ice cubes
Bar & bar equipment
Professional bartender
The offer apply if minimum 4 hours are booked.
Happy costumers!
Solskinbar levede 100% op til forventningerne til vores fest. Super lækre drinks og søde bartendere! Det er ikke sidste gang vi booker dem! 🎉🌈
Jeg vil på det varmeste anbefale Solskinbar som vi har brugt til 2×40 års fødselsdag.
Sergiu leverede en service og en kvalitet, som du ikke finder andre steder.
Sergiu havde masser af ideer til nye lækre drinks, som hverken vi eller gæsterne kendte, hvilket bare gjorde oplevelsen endnu bedre (lakridsdrinken med en lakridspibe som rørepind og hans helt egen Solskin Passion var virkelig populære).
Desuden insisterede han på at vi skulle mødes inden festen, så vi kunne smage drinksne på forhånd. Efter vores møde med Sergiu og prøvesmagningen var vi helt rolige. Vi vidste at baren ville blive et kæmpe hit med ham ved roret, og det blev det.
Sergiu was in charge of the drinks at my birthday party. I think the price he asked is very fair for the exceptional service he provides.
He does not care only about serving you a great drink but he is also very smiley, polite and empathic with the guests and his good energy is contagious. 😊Everybody loved him and had a good time and I was very happy with my choice.
Really recommend it 👌😊
Contact Us
Let us make you dance!
Email: solskinbar@gmail.com
Phone: +45-27-63-9110
Insta: @solskinbardk
FB: @solskinbar